本公司于1995年成立,位于有滨海之州之称的滨州市,毗邻渤海湾,有黄河贯穿其中,更有滨博高速、济青高速、205国道等交通主干道交叉分布,水陆交通便利。公司本着“专业生产,专业服务”的原则,专业生产pvc钓鱼裤、下水裤、全身下水衣、围裙、手套、潜水衣、防护服、防油服、防酸碱服,等专业服务于从事于农林牧副渔等各行业的人士。并承接来料加工,代加工,贴牌加工生产等。 The Company was established in 1995, is located in the coastal city has called Binzhou City, adjacent to the Bohai Bay, the Yellow River has run through this city.The Bin-Bo, Ji-Qing high way,205 National Road and other traffic trunk cross-distribution, land and sea transportation is convenient. The company spirit of "professional production, professional services" principle, specializing in the production of pvc gram-resistant fishing license pants, pvc half the water pants, pvc apron, pvc long gloves, diving suits, and professional services engaged in agriculture, forestry, fishery, animal husbandry and other professions. And undertake the processing, generation processing and OEMs.